For far too long, we have been living life based on everyone else’s rules. Whether it was our parents, our teachers at school, our religion — we were told to want certain things in our lives with the promise it’ll bring us happiness, success, and fulfillment.

So you molded our lives to these rules — you went to the right school, you got the job, you moved to the city, you dated partners that our parents always imagined you’d be with, you got the house, etc.

But even through following the rules and feeling like you’ve achieved everything that everyone else has always wanted for you, and even at times believed that you wanted — you find yourself waking up in the morning and you don’t feel anything.

You look at your bank account and you don’t feel anything. 

You’re on the way to work with anxiety and dread pulsing through your veins. 

Your relationship with your partner is like glorified roommates or you’re on the other end of the spectrum — the embodiment of the main character in a Sandra Bullock movie — strong and fierce af but a total ice queen.

Completely closed off to any type of intimacy and refuses to let anyone or anything get remotely close to you in a real way.

You absolutely love what you do, you’ve never been needed to be told to work hard and achieve greatness, but now you can’t help feeling there has to be more than this. 

That living this same day over and over genuinely makes your skin crawl — but admitting that truth, admitting that the life you created actually doesn’t reflect the one you actually desire scares the f*ck out of you.

So you drown it out with your career, your workout schedule, the kids, the packed social calendar, and the trips to keep yourself as BUSY AS POSSIBLE to avoid the truth that is staring you in the face every day.

And it has NOTHING to do with making the “wrong choices” or choosing the “wrong things” — it simply points to a life where you are living as the “good girl” part of you… and not the WHOLE part of you.

So you start digging a little bit deeper and you start asking yourself questions like, well if it’s not this then what? What do I really want? 

And the only answer that comes is the palpable silence — crickets. 

You don’t even know where to begin bc it’s a question you almost never dared to ask yourself — afraid of the answer being vastly different from what others wanted for you. 

It feels like almost like entering into this void space, knowing that this current reality isn’t what you want for your life but don’t know where to go or how to get there and that is where I come in.

I bring women into my world who are ready to completely transform their realities into the living embodiment of their greatness. 

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill average soul work. This is a space where you are entering into a process that brings you through the totality of complete rebirth. This is a space where you get to really understand who you are on the deepest of levels, without judgment, without fear, without criticism, and you begin to not only love every single part of yourself, but you get to embody every single part so you are no longer living a fragmented version of only the nice, shiny, appeasable parts of yourself, but living as the FULLEST, loudest, biggest, baddest most authentic version of you. 

No longer being the good girl, no longer following the rules — you are breaking chains and living and leading your life completely UNBOUND, UNTAMED & UNAFRAID. 


Through the process of Megan’s Method, my clients are guided in how to become untethered to the beliefs that are keeping you from accessing your fullest potential, unleashing the wild, daring, fierce commander that knows EXACTLY what she wants, and embodying the courage to lead herself forward, claim her space, and live her life in her fullness — unapologetically.



UNTAMED is a 4 month healing immersion with the intention of guiding you though the entire process of rebirth and take you into deeper depths of life transformations. This is the space for identity shifts and lifestyle changes.

You will receive:

  • 4 months of live weekly 1:1 healing & coaching sessions that will be recorded and saved to a drive you will have access to for a lifetime

  • 4 months of integration support with voice and text messaging in between sessions through Voxer

  • Session notes, tools, and practices to deepen your discovery experience

  • A customized PDF of your individualized energetic blueprint mapping out the important and most relevant aspects of your Human Design, Astrology, and Numerology to have and keep as you continue to lead yourself from a place of ALIGNMENT instead of preconceived conditioning (aka, what everyone thought you “should be”)

This journey is truly one of a kind is designed to bring you back into integrity to ALL that you are - the magical, spiritual, beautiful human being you are here to be.

Because of how high-touch and customized this journey is - the way to qualify for this space is to start with my introductory session, UNBOUND, to ensure not only if this space a good fit for you — but to ensure that we are both on the same page when it comes to commitment, understanding the value of this work, and trusting me completely as I guide you into your own becoming.

This is healing, but also a giant journey of self discovery.

This is healing, but this also gets be fun.

This is healing, but we get to play with the mess life brings us and make it into something beautiful.

And it is a journey that you will thank yourself for & are so grateful that you decided to go on over and over again because the person that you know you are ready to become is right at your fingertips, she has always been inside, waiting patiently for you to witness her. 

It’s now finally up to you to claim her, to start being her, and LIVE as her in every moment. 

Let’s unleash the you that no one could EVER tame.



  • Once we meet for our first session I’ll leave time to break down what came through in our session and what we would work together in our 4 months together. If we decide together this is a good fit, I’ll send over a contract that will outline when we begin, how often we meet, your payment schedule, and all the benefits you will receive from our time together.

    Once payment is made and contract is signed - you can schedule your first call with me (we will keep this same time and cadence moving forward).

  • This is my highest level of support meaning the women in this space get the MOST of me & the value certainly reflects that.

    4 months of support is $3,500.

    I do offer a flexible start date with extended payment plans to help spread out these payments if that is desired. I want to make this type of customized, high-touch support as accessible as I can while still honoring the value of the work.

  • What sensations & emotions did you exprience when reading through this page? Excitement? Intrigue? A bit of an edge?

    Trust how you feel and lean into your own authority to know if I am the right person to support you in what you need.

    Have more specific questions? I’d love to chat! Please feel fee to DM me on Instagram, or go to the contact section and send me an email! I would love to discuss what you are moving through more in depth and outline how this space is the solution you are looking for!