My story starts off as most does — being a little girl fascinated with the beauty the world has to offer.

I loved to dream, to dance, to sing, and play with my not-so-imaginary friends.

It felt so natural to me to express myself through my body — but I noticed it was harder for me to express through words. I struggled with experiencing things that others could not and had no idea how to explain them.

I struggled with expressing & advocating for myself, and ultimately led to me growing up incredibly insecure. I desperately wanted to fit in and be “normal” but I soon found out leading a “normal life” was not what I came here to do.

After building a life that on the outside seemed perfect — I had the corporate career, I lived in one of the most popular cities in the world, I had an amazing group of friends who loved to have a good time, I was dating men who I thought my parents would deem as acceptable. 

But then I turned 27, my Saturn returned, and EVERYTHING in my life completely changed.

I started to remember how psychic and intuitive I am.

I realized that my career was built off of someone else’s dream.

I saw myself living the same day over and over again and it made me want to vomit.

What happened to the fiery girl who loved to dream & express herself? I looked in the mirror for her and all I saw reflecting back to me was a broken, carbon-copy of everything that I thought I “should be”.

I was determined to find her again — so I began my healing journey & training.

Through my experience with master teachers & mentors I was able to heal parts of myself I didn’t even know were still hurting and it became my journey in BECOMING who I am today.

By acknowledging my emotions and truth, expressing them fully, releasing all the limiting beliefs that were keeping my stagnant, and accepting myself for ALL of my part instead of just the “good” parts, I became the woman who is able to lead herself through any challenge and not lose herself to it.

I reclaimed my voice, I found my passion and the vibrancy of life again, and I made it my mission to help other women break free from the perfection on paper to live a life SO WILDLY FREE that they can’t help but look in the mirror and think — Wow, I AM THAT GIRL!

Through following my process of rebirth - I developed Megan’s Method, and began bringing my clients through it and they started seeing MASSIVE results. I knew I had to continue to dive deeper and my training began.

Through my extensive experience and training as an intuitive healer, I use my wide range of knowledge to meet my clients where they’re at and give them the guidance needed to continue to move them forward into their fullest potential. Through my knowledge & training in Mediation, Western Astrology, Human Design, Quantum Healing, the Akashic Records, Vocal Frequency, Somatics, shadow work, and coaching — I am able to build a healing container that is perfectly structured to your needs & intentions. 

YOU and your unique journey is one that cannot be replicated, and it shouldn’t be treated as such.