Ep. 18 | Living On Purpose Through Numerology with Nat Olson

Ya’ll I had the most INCREDIBLE conversation with Spiritual Coach & Numerologist, Nat Olson and I cannot wait to share it with you!

Nat Olson is a Spiritual Coach & Numerologist who helps heart-centered, wanting-to-make-waves thought leaders and professionals elevate their impact through the power of their numbers, their inner wisdom and their Creator. She helps them step into who they really are and share what is really on their heart so they can craft the life, legacy and career they were designed for.

For over a decade, Nat has been coaching individuals in her private practice. She has become the secret weapon for best-selling authors, Wall-street financiers and CEO’s of multi-million dollar companies. She has made it her mission to help sweet, kind-hearted, purpose-driven souls tap into their own personal power, so they bring their true, rare sparkle into the world.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What Numerology is and HOW to use it to start living ON PURPOSE

  • Nat’s framework she brings her clients through to uncover deep soul truths and bring about lasting transformation

  • How the different aspects of your numerology chart come together and play in a role in your expression and how to unleash your highest potential

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Ep. 19 | How to live life UNAFRAID


Ep. 17 | Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster