Ep. 19 | How to live life UNAFRAID

This week Megan breaks down her retrograde run-ins, the last little chaos of Aries season, and breaks down her secret of HOW you can begin to live life unafraid.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How to do things that terrify you

  • Common misconceptions around taking risks and having confidence

  • What leaning into your edges really means

  • How fear & worthiness plays a big role in your ability to move towards your desires

RATE & REVIEW the pod and send a screenshot to @meganunbound on IG or email at megan@spiritsunbound.co and receive a credit towards any offering in my world!


Ep. 20 |The 9 Life Lessons I Learned Through My Saturn Return


Ep. 18 | Living On Purpose Through Numerology with Nat Olson